First day back in London after my trip to Croatia. It was the very first time for me in Croatia! My biggest impression of Croatia was what a beautiful country it is and people are so warm! Also, realised how close the Slavic languages are! - I could read an article in Croatian (haven't ever spoken a word in Croatian or met a Croatian person) and understand about %60 of it!
This was a special trip as every time I join my dear former teacher Wibb (William Bennett) on stage, is absolute magic and real honour.
It was also really nice to see Vytenis and Zoya - Wibb's former students who I also have not seen for 3 - 5 years and share stage with them and catch up on the news.
It was also so great to meet one of the Croatia's best flautists and teachers - Marina Novak!
On this course in Karlovac (the city where the summer school took place), I have met musicians from Australia, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Montenegro, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Croatia, Serbia and Italy! It strikes me every time in the best possible way how international the music world is and how incredible it is that we can all share Music - the only language in the Whole world that can be understood by absolutely everyone. Proud to be musician and proud to be Wibb's student, passing traditions and wisdom of Marcel Moyse to all the flute players.