Teaching is something that I have always loved doing. It is such a special feeling to see a progress of a student and see how they improve not just as instrumentalists but also as musicians. On this page you can see where I have taught and where I teach currently.
Online teaching at Play with a Pro
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
United Kingdom
visiting tutor, chamber music coach with Atéa Quintet (since 2012)
Guildhall School of Music and Drama
United Kingdom
Jazz flute professor (since 2018)
Chamber music coach (since 2020)
Royal Conservatoire The Hague
Flute and chamber music teacher Bachelor and Masters programmes (2020-2024)
Junior Royal Academy of Music
United Kingdom
Flute teacher and chamber music coach (2018-2021)
Royal Danish Academy of Music
Flute teacher
City University of London
United Kingdom
flute teacher (since 2015)
Giving Masterclasses and coaching Chamber music:
Masterclass in Taiwan for NewAspect
ESMAE Conservatoire and Academia de Musica de Vilar do Paraiso (Portugal)
Masterclasses for European Chamber Music Academy
Masterclasses for European Chamber Music Academy
Masterclasses in Chicago for National Flute Association
Joining faculty of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague in Netherlands
Online Masterclass for eFlute Festival
Guest flute tutor at the Aldeburgh Young Musicians, Snape Maltings
Online masterclasses at International Sheena Gordon Summer School
Joining faculty of the Junior Royal Academy of Music as a flute teacher and chamber music coach
Datington Summer School and Festival (UK)
Croatia Flute Academy (Croatia)
ESMAE Conservatoire and Academia de Musica de Vilar do Paraiso (Portugal)
Musicians' Company and Live Music Now Outreach Workshops in London (UK)
Joining staff faculty of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama as a Jazz Professor (UK)
Dartington Summer School and Festival (UK)
Musicians' Company and Live Music Now Outreach Workshops in London (UK)
British School in Tokyo (Japan)
Singapore Flute Festival (Singapore)
Butler University and University of Nothern Iowa (USA)
Freelance teaching at the Junior Royal Academy of Music and London Russian Music School
Joining the staff faculty of the City University London as a flute teacher
Ponte Cultura Music Festival in Corsica (France)
Flute Masterclass and flute class in Conservatoire of Music and Theatre (Portugal)
International Music Festival “Verbier Festival” Chamber Week (Switzerland)
Joining the staff faculty of the Purcell School as part of an "Ensemble in residence" with Atéa Quintet
Joining the staff faculty of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire as Visiting tutor as part of an "Associate Ensemble in residence" with Atéa Quintet
Teaching Assistant at the William Bennett International Flute Summer School (UK)